Aug 22, 2018
A lot of entrepreneurs struggle with profitability. Maybe it’s time for you to look at how you calculate profit in a whole new way. Daoud Kakish shares how he calculates profit for his successful business, and why he never treats profits as left overs.
Aug 14, 2018
العديد من رواد الأعمال ليس لديهم عمل مربح للغاية كما يعتقد الناس
ربما حان الوقت للنظر في كيفية حساب الربح بطريقة جديدة تمامًا
يشارك داود قاقيش كيف يحسب الربح لشركته الناجحة
Aug 7, 2018
In this podcast, Daoud Kakish shares why entrepreneurs should focus first on building profit in their business. He gives practical advice on how to make that a habit.